Walrus color combinations

Discover our popular fabric combinations that make life easier for all of you who struggle with combining colors!


Walrus color combinations

Easy to choose

Having too many options to choose from can be quite a hassle...that's why we composed an easy-to-choose Walrus range. 

From a toned-down, timeless color combination to a more distinguished, colorful and eccentric style. Tropical or European, natural or industrial... what's your flavor?

Inspired by the furthest reaches of the globe.

Walrus combination

Out of the Fjordinary

A boreal and montane togetherness biome

We translated the northern biomes into a balanced color palette, transcending the ordinary through a blend of nature’s most incredible beauty

Walrus combination

Forest & Fields

A green and rural togetherness biome

Rooted in West-Flemish tradition, we blend temperate forest elements - the main European biome - with local clay and hay for a unique touch

Walrus combination

A Lotta Terracotta

A mediterranean togetherness biome

Welcome to warm earthy tones and terracotta red shores: this is just the perfect holiday color palette

Walrus combination

Majestic Mirage

A sandy and breezy togetherness biome

Embark on a captivating nighttime escapade where gentle hues of yellows and rich accents cast a mesmerizing allure over the dunes

Walrus color guide

Tips and tricks to personalize your Walrus set

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