License to Copy

At Extremis, we've been crafting exceptional design furniture since 1994, and we take immense pride in the quality, creativity and durability that defines it. Yet, over the years, we have encountered a challenge that we're committed to addressing: the invasion of 'copycats' who are replicating our unique designs. It's like dealing with a secret society of furniture espionage… But we're here to set the record straight. 

License to Copy

The value of Creativity

Our founder and head designer, Dirk Wynants, understands that true design excellence goes beyond materials and manufacturing. Introducing a new, innovative product to the market demands substantial investments in labor, prototype development, marketing, and sales efforts, all with no guarantee of success. Generating new ideas is a lifelong pursuit, while turning them into reality requires a wealth of knowledge and experience.   

In stark contrast, creating a copy requires no creativity, guarantees success, and immediately offers a risk-free path. We don't mind a shortcut once in a while, but let's keep it fair, shall we? 

Introducing a new, innovative product to the market demands substantial investments in labor, prototype development, marketing, and sales efforts, all with no guarantee of success

Protecting Intellectual Property

Extremis takes a proactive approach to safeguarding its intellectual property worldwide, reflecting our dedication to crafting timeless and long-lasting products. In stark contrast to the fashion industry's dynamic, where increased copies may elevate brand value, the furniture sector operates differently. Companies replicating our products pose a significant challenge to us, as these copies misrepresent our unwavering commitment to quality.   

Our designs, celebrated with prestigious awards, are renowned for their unparalleled originality, making them easier to protect from imitators. Copycats always face legal consequences, with courts consistently affirming their status as copies necessitating removal or destruction. Yet, we take a responsible approach to sustainability. Destroying perfectly usable furniture, even when wrongfully replicated, doesn't align with our values. 

License to copy
Hopper awards

Choosing Sustainability

While the law supports our position as the original creators, we opt for a more responsible path. Rather than destruction, we aim to preserve the existence of these replicated pieces with an understanding that they are not genuine Extremis designs. Through amicable settlements, we request copycats to add a label that reads 'this is not an Extremis original' on their non-original furniture. We maybe got a ‘License to Kill’ from the judge, but we’d rather give a ‘License to Copy’ because we care deeply about sustainability.

License to copy

We maybe got a ‘License to Kill’ from the judge, but we’d rather give a ‘License to Copy’ because we care deeply about sustainability

Let’s Keep it Original

Do you want to make sure you have an original Extremis piece at home or for your project? You can recognize it by the distinctive Extremis logo, the hallmark that's 'branded' into the wood, engraved into steel or by the name tag.   

Extremis furniture is distinctive and difficult to replicate precisely due to unique design features, such as the diagonal legs and slanted tabletop edge of our Hopper picnic table. These features are the embodiment of our commitment to originality and innovation.

Any questions about our License to Copy? 

Do not hesitate to contact us! We're happy to help