Timeless design, timeless architecture

Schilde, Belgium

At home, Gargantua, Inumbra, Bistroo, Manille

Timeless design, timeless architecture
Tools for togetherness

The finest garden of Schilde, near Antwerp, can be found at this home designed by architect Eddy François. Sober lines and clever designs weave the attractive home seamlessly into the greenery. The round Gargantua table with adjustable benches has provided a place for homeowner and interior photographer Mr. Frank to spend his outdoor moments for many years. The home is in fact quite a bit newer than the table in question, but they still make an outstanding match.

We spoke with the owner of the property:

Your photos appear in the design and lifestyle magazines both at home and abroad. Where did your interest in architecture and photography come from?

"Years after doing my masters in graphic design, which resulted in a job as art director and web designer, I took a bachelor’s course in documentary photography in the Netherlands. For ten years or so after that, I worked on my own photo projects and publications, before I decided to go into commercial work as well. Interior photography was the obvious choice, given that it combines architecture, design and photography. I went into this using the name Mr. Frank. I took my first pictures of friends’ interiors to De Standaard Magazine. And as it happened they were looking for an extra freelancer for lifestyle features... Despite my limited experience I took this opportunity gratefully and everything took off very quickly from there. Since then I have also often worked for Knack Weekend, Sabato and have published a lot abroad via the photo agency that I work with in Milan. So, for example, my interior features appear in Elle Decoration, RUM hemma, Living Italy, Côté Ouest, Ideat, Elle Decor Japan, Abitare, Homes & Gardens, The Observer, The Simple Things, etc."

Mr. Frank
Mr. Frank

How did you come in contact with Eddy François and his architecture

"Basically my wife Alexandra and I were looking for an architect who could unite two things: the warmth that she wanted and the rather more austere architecture which I preferred myself. In the end we came direct to Eddy François. We met at his home in Deurle. That was so special that we never really even wanted to work with anybody else. Ultimately, Eddy provided a perfect interpretation of what it was that we were looking for. We gave him free rein from that point, which is very important for me if you want to work with an architect. There needs to be trust, and we knew that Eddy had excellent taste."

Mr. Frank

Good design often combines different functions in a single object, and you are always happy to see it, every time!

Mr. Frank
Mr. Frank

Gargantua was designed 30 years ago by Dirk Wynants, and this is one of the first examples from the 1990s. Did you consciously choose a piece of furniture which was already so ‘old'?  

"Alexandra had designs on the Pantagruel from Extremis, but I found the coarser looking metal of the Gargantua (galvanised steel, ed.) a bit better suited to the house and Eddy’s wabi-sabi philosophy. The piece seems a little more sober, and fits perfectly into the garden, drawing little attention. Alexandra finally found this table second-hand, which underlines its durability still further. It is a garden table for life where we have already spent many congenial times."


Gargantua was designed with functionality and durability front and centre. Do you see similarities with the house? 

"I certainly see similarities. I don’t just find our house attractive, but it is also hyper-functional. I get the same feel from the Gargantua. For example, Eddy made our concrete carport multifunctional: it is a covered terrace, a storage space, and a carport for two cars, all in one. It’s just the same with the Gargantua, it is multifunctional: the table can be extended by mounting the seats higher and has a whole range of combinations and add-ons. Or if you are mowing the grass, you can easily remove all the seats in order to get underneath. It has been so well thought out. The table is extremely robust and up to eight of you sit close together. Good design often combines different functions in a single object, and you are always happy to see it, every time "

Mr. Frank
Mr. Frank
© Pictures by Mr. Frank
Architect Eddy François